
Sunday, November 20, 2016

Felltower pre-summary

Busy work day tomorrow, so I'm not sure I can get the summary in - or if I do, it might be light on combat details. But I'll try. In the meantime:

- the PCs went into the "dragon cave" and silently dug their way into the orc-held areas.

- the PCs ended up having two big fights with the orcs and killing a few orc guards.

- the first fight was a close-in brawl with some of the biggest, meanest, fiercest orcs they've faced.

- the second fight was a pincher attack by orcs the PCs had drawn out and moved to engage. This was most lesser orcs, backed by some special shock troops . . .

It was a good session, and packed with action. Long fights even with our modified fodder rules, but good ones and fun. It was also packed with players - seven of them, every one of the regulars plus one of our occasional guest stars.

Quote of the session? "This is the best game ever!" - Dave the Knight's player, our youngest by far.

1 comment:

  1. Oh yes! Orc-killing time. Can't wait for the report.

    I wonder if this was significant enough to count as the "Orc Showdown" we've all been waiting for? Possibly not. But should be fun to read about anyway.
