
Games I Play In

Current Games

I am currently playing in no game at all.

Games on Hiatus or Ended:

GURPS Gamma World
Aka The Tomorrow Men, aka 20th Homeland, aka Gamma Terra

20th Homeland - Session 1
20th Homeland - Session 2
20th Homeland - Session 3
20th Homeland - Session 4
20th Homeland - Session 5 - Sweep & Clear & Crows
20th Homeland - Session 6 - Welcome to Boomtown
20th Homeland - Session 7 - Boomtown II
20th Homeland - Session 8 - Down Go the Ironmen
20th Homeland - Session 9 - the Fountain
20th Homeland - Session 10 - Unknown Area 3
20th Homeland - Session 11 - Badders & the ruins
20th Homeland - Session 12 - Friends of the Fit
20th Homeland - Session 13 - Factory Investigation
20th Homeland - Session 14 - Factory Reboot
20th Homeland - Session 15 - Operation Top Hat / Operation Top Hat II
20th Homeland - Session 16 - Exploring the Princess
20th Homeland - Session 17 - Finishing Muskegon
20th Homeland - Session 18 - Unknown #2, Part I
20th Homeland - Session 19 - Unknown #2, Part II
20th Homeland - Session 20 - the Morrow Project?
20th Homeland - Session 21 - Unknown #1 = A2O

Southern Reaches
Erik Tenkar's Swords & Wizardry game.

My Character
Mirado, Human Fighter

Session Summaries
Southern Reaches, Session 1 - Well of the Worms
Southern Reaches, Session 2 - Ogre Head
Southern Reaches: Session 3 - Clerics in the Dark
Southern Reaches: Session 4 - Castle of the Mad Archmage 1
Southern Reaches: Session 5 - Castle of the Mad Archmage 2 - Chutes & Slides
Southern Reaches: Session 6 - Castle of the Mad Archmage 3 - Norkers & Teleporters
Southern Reaches: Session 7 - Castle of the Mad Archmage 4 - Ones Are What We Roll
Southern Reaches: Session 8 - Castle of the Mad Archmage 5 - Screaming Kobold Skeletons and Rainbows
Southern Reaches: Session 9 - Castle of the Mad Archmage 6 - Arena Blues
Southern Reaches: Session 10 - Castle of the Mad Archmage 7 - Three Sought Adventure
Southern Reaches: Session 11 - Castle of the Mad Archmage 8 - Ogres, Giants, and Illegal Barricades

Alien Menace

I play A.B. Karabus, amateur bodybuilder, former pro MMA fighter, and now alien fighter. Come get some!

Alien Menace 1: First Contact
Alien Menace 2 - Aliens Draw Blood

Alien Menace 4

I played a couple of games in Colin Ritter's GURPS Midgaard game. Sadly, real life and scheduling issues kept it from continuing.

GURPS Midgaard

My Character
Tarjan Telnar, 300 point human knight

GURPS Midgaard, Session 1
GURPS Midgaard, Session 2

Starslinger (B-Team)
Erik Tenkar's White Star variant.

My Character
Velo Kalavas, human Star Knight

Session Summaries
Session 1 - Chicago & the Space Cow

Star Wars

Session Summaries
Episode I - Escape from Mos Shuuta

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