
Monday, February 6, 2012

Plastic terrain?

I'm looking for some pre-painted plastic terrain for my GURPS Dungeon Fantasy game. More specifically, I'm looking for things like:

- tables
- chairs
- little plastic campfires
- stacks of wood
- grain sacks

Wagons and pack animals would be nice, too.

Also, I'd really like them to be softer, bendy plastic, not "shatter when it drops" stuff like Dwarven Forge.

I have two sets of the OOP Mage Knight Dungeons terrain, one set of their Artifacts set with the various pools and statues, and even one of the traps sets. I don't really need another one of any of those, but rather more, different stuff.

Is there anything like that out there?

I'd really like some stuff that won't break. I could make my own with glue and toothpicks and small dowels, and I have, but it all breaks when dropped or banged or just in transit. The Mage Knight stuff is really strong, which is very helpful.

(Oh and I've seen this thread but so many of those links are broken nowadays.)


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  2. Did you ever find this type of stuff? If not, did you try dollhouse or model railway types of things?

    1. I never did. The railroad and dollhouse stuff I've come across is either too big, too small, or just outright too expensive.

    2. You might try looking at or asking on their forums.

    3. You might want a look at It has some boxes and barrels that might work for you. Most of it looks more modern, and the kickstarter was just something posted on my twitter feed, so I make no claims about its quality. However, the boxes are wood, so could be any time since nails were invented.
