
Sunday, December 22, 2013

Mirado (of the many titles)

This is my S&W B-Team guy. I will be updating this post as necessary, so it'll be a living document. What you see now is current as of the dates listed below.

Last update: 12/22/2013 2/9/14 4/25/14 6/27/14 9/6/14 1/9/2015 4/10/2015

Mirado Giant-Slayer
Human Fighter
Level 6
XP: 1337 (first trip) + 1845 (second trip) +1309 third trip + ? (fourth trip) + 10,305 + 5,573 (Session 7) +7994 (Session 8) + 12314 + 4990 (includes +5% prime req. 13+, +10% for summaries) + 8305 (includes +5% prime req. 13+, +10% for summaries) + 8400 (includes +5% prime req. 13+, +10% for summaries) = 62,461
Needs 64,000 for next level.

STR 17 (+2 to hit, +2 damage, doors 1-4, +30 carry bonus)
DEX 14 (+1 to hit with missiles - stacks with STR bonus, +1 AC bonus, Defensive Fighting -1 to be hit)
CON 13 (+1 HP per die, 100% Raise Dead survival)
INT 11 (+2 max additional languages)
WIS 10 (no bonuses or penalties)
CHA 10 (4 Special Henchmen maximum)
Luck 5
HP 47 (9 from first level, 9 from second, 8 from third, 8 from fourth, 4 from fifth, +1 from rainbow, +8 from sixth)
AC 18 (18 with shield) (plate +7 AC, Dex +1 AC)
Move 12
Saving Throw 9 (also gets +1 for Ring of Protection, see below)
Attack Bonus: +3

Armor and Weapons:
Plate Armor (+7 AC, 70 lbs, ?? gp)
Ogre Head - unknown damage, 10 lbs.
Woundlicker, Longsword +1, vampires 1 HP per hit, costs 1 HP on a natural 1 (10 lbs, ?? gp)
Axe, Hand (5 lbs, 2 gp) - 1d6, thrown 1d6, ROF 1, 10 ft range
Spear (10 lbs, 1 gp) - 1d6, thrown 1d6, ROF 1, 20 ft range
Long Bow (5 lbs, 60 gp) - 1d6, ROF 2, 50 ft range
Arrows (20) (1 lb, 2 gp)
Silver Dagger (2 lbs, 20 gp) - 1d4, thrown 1d4, ROF 1, 10 ft range
Total: 95 lbs

Other Equipment:
Ring of Protection +1, 10' Radius, Saves Only (left ring finger)
Boots of Elvenkind
Potion of Invisibility
3 Potions of Healing (1d8+1)
1 Potion of Exra-Healing (3d8+3)
Backpack (30 lbs capacity) (5 gp, ?? lbs.) (weight isn't listed anywhere that I can see, for any of this gear)
Bedroll (0.2 gp)
Crowbar (0.2 gp)
Flint & Steel (1 gp)
Hammer (0.5 gp)
Iron Spike x 10 (0.5 gp)
Manacles (15 gp)
Oil, Lamp x 5 (0.5 gp) (doubles as Greek Fire)
Sack x 3 (30 lbs capacity) (6 gp)
Torch x 3 (0.03 gp)
Waterskin x2 (1 gp)
Rations, Trail x 2 days (1 gp)
Rations, Dried x 2 days (2 gp)
Slope-detecting marbles, clay x 5 (5 cp)
Holy Water x 4 (?? gp)
Riding Horse, named "Melyngrab"
Carried gear counts as 10 lbs., bringing the total to 103, counted as 106-130 for Move 9.

GP: 328 1052 1042 1050 1030 2304 1854 1840 2935 4268 8668
SP: 7
CP: 27 0
Gems: none

History: Mirado is a warrior seeking his fortune in the world. He has some pie-in-the-sky goals about ruling a kingdom, but otherwise he's pretty down-to-earth. He changes his title as fortune smiles or spits upon him, as he sees it. He's brave but not especially foolish.

Titles used: the Sharp, the Attractive, the Butcher, the Bloody, Ogre-Foe, Ogre-Slayer, the Merciful, Orc-Tricker, the Slow, Lizard-Friend, Beetle Battler, Gargoyle Friend, Blue Beaten, Music Critic, Giant Slayer.


- Needs to sell that mace and his bastard sword, they are too heavy and not needed.
- Marked off 10 gp for replacing oil, arrows, torches, and rations. A bit more than necessary (it's 9 gp plus change) but I don't feel like marking down fractional treasure.

- Bought a round of horses for everyone!
- found plate armor, has a spare suit of chain armor
- rolled 7 for 3rd level HP!

- fell down a slope to level 3 by being a completist.
- found full plate armor
- rolled 7 for 4th level HP.

- rolled 3 (+1=4) for 5th level HP.
- found Boots of Elvenkind.

- took home 2681 gp

- took home 1833 gp, 7 sp, and a Potion of Invisibility

- took home 2180 gp.
- spend 20 gp in the dungeon.
- lost silver dagger in a duel.

- took home 2095 gp.

- took home 665 (actually 2165 gp but I spent 1500 gp on an Extra Healing potion.


  1. Looks like Mirado's first trip was pretty leet!

    Yeah, I'm done here. Keep 'em coming!

    1. It went pretty well, but I'm liking that sword and ogre head combo I picked up in the second session.

      Hey, you're in Nagasaki? I've been there only once, but it's a nice place. I'd like in Kyushu if I could. I have a friend in 日南 on the other coast.

  2. Are you stats considered obscenely high? I feel like no negatives is pretty awesome given the impression of OSR kind of thing. Or does S&W do point-buy / arrays / other than rolling for stats?

    1. They're not that high. You can see how I did it here: Rolling Up A S&W Character

    2. So you DID roll though. I'd say overall those are some pretty dang nice rolls! Neat that you can trade points around a bit, too.

    3. 4d6, drop the lowest, and trade scores 2:1. That's got a pretty decent expected value, I'd think.

      Let me do some math. It's what I do. :-)

    4. I've always liked the 4d6 drop lowest just because of the unexpected nature of it. The trading is a new twist though, and I can really dig it. It gives you a little more control than just trying to figure out what your dump stat is going to be.

      Looking forward to some math!

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. OK, here we go. The mean and median doing it that way are both 12, but the most-frequently occurring value is 13 (the mode). A score of 8 is actually in the 10th percentile, meaning 90% of the scores will be 8 or higher. An "average" score of 10 is the 25th percentile, so 3 rolls in 4 will be 10 or higher.

      As such, you should probably expect to have no penalties, and the only question is how many scores of note will you get. Erik uses 13-15 as +1, 16-17 as +2, and 18 as +3. Presumably this is symmetric backwards, so 3 is -3, 4-5 is -2, and 6-7 is -1. If that's the case, on six rolls, you expect a net bonus total of about +3 or +4.

      So, net/net, only about 5-6% of scores will hit you with a penalty, and about 50% will give a bonus of one sort or another. 4d6 drop lowest is fairly generous.

    7. Math! Awesome. Now, of course, I feel even unluckier for getting total mods of +1 or lower and getting the re-roll.
