
Tuesday, February 10, 2015

My Bones are on the way! Maybe.

I received two ship notifications from Reaper.

Then I received a notice saying, sorry if you got two notices, there was an error. But if you got a Quantum View Email, it's fine. But I didn't get one of those. All I have is an email with a tracking number that may or may not be good.

I'm assuming it's on its way, because I'm Wave 1 and they're on Wave 2 already.

So hurrah, in a few days I should have a big box of minis to dig around in.


  1. oooh. I am in Wave 2...
    no emails here yet, though.

    1. They seem to be in wave 2. I'd be more certain if the tracking number they gave me didn't come back with "try again later." I never really understood how UPS could generate a tracking number but not at least put in "Tracking Number Generated" as a result instead of just a red error message.

    2. Ooohh, I got my email too. The tracking number gave me an error message as well.

    3. Mine is working now - the Bones should come Friday. Just in time to show up in play on Sunday, unpainted, if necessary. :)

    4. Mine are scheduled to arrive Friday also. Better get to painting all those minis from Bones I.

    5. They waited this long, those Bones I minis can wait until after the new has worn off the Bones II guys. ;)

  2. I haven't received an email, and no idea what wave I'm in. The suspense is brutal =)

    1. Check the Kickstarter page - you can see which wave you're in. It'll be highlighted green.
