
Monday, April 6, 2015

MORE Wargames Factory Orcs

As if I didn't have enough orcs, I was just given another box of 24 Wargames Factory orcs.

I'm going to need a much bigger orc army transport case - my current one is full, and I didn't even get half of my current crop of Wargames Factory orcs built, painted, and ensconced within. With this new box I've got to have well over 100 of the little green guys.

Maybe, like I mentioned here, I need to make them into hobgoblins or something. Of course, that would mean I'd have to repaint the ones I did already, but then I'd have almost as many hobgoblins as orcs.


  1. Ah, an embarrassment of riches. Wouldn't mind seeing the paintjobs when you are done.

    1. I'll post the finished orcs ASAP. But "done" is a heck of a concept when I've got 48 of the guys to assemble and paint!

  2. Ah, WGF. I haven't bought any of their stuff in years; not since just after the whole ownership debacle. I checked your first impressions - sounds like they haven't changed much. Any chance I could get a closeup of an assembled, unpainted/primed orc? The rounded joins at the shoulders used to be just as bad as the unclosed hands, if not worse, especially when you gave them a wash. Was a definite pain on my Germanic warriors.

    Speaking of unclosing hands, I recall being able to use tweezers and very carefully applied plastic glue to crimp the hands closed, but en masse it wasn't worth the effort.

    1. There are some closeups here:

      Wargames Factory Orcs: First 3 Figures

      Click to enlarge the pics.

    2. Yeah, that's some bad grippage. The body postures remind me of the German warriors pretty readily and yeah, breakages abound.

      I used to do custom armies for No Quarter and a few others, so WGF was great for relatively niche bulk troops; cheaper than Perry and their guys had a lot of utility. Unfortunately, as miniatures in general most of their sets really hohum.

    3. They're fragile, for sure. I don't mind the cruddy gripping, because it makes for easy weapon variation, but the breakage means transporting them to/from game is tough.
