
Wednesday, November 2, 2016

DF RPG Backer Kit - Done!

Yesterday I received my notification from BackerKit for the Dungeon Fantasy RPG.

I went for:

- boxed set
- GM screen
- boxed set in PDF
- GM screen in PDF
- Add-on PDFs (Magic Items, Traps, and Dungeon #2) in print

Net cost for shipping was $1, thanks to the add-on PDFs in print. I'm sure I paid for things I'd get for free anyway, thanks to things I wrote going into the boxed set, but still - I wanted to ensure the Kickstarter succeeded. I'm basically pouring some of the hobby money from SJG back to SJG.

Next May is going to be an exciting month.


  1. I did something similar, along with extra copies to hand off to the next generation. Also, more dice, because more dice are always good.

    1. Yes, Extra physical copy might be useful as gifts, handouts or spare parts (dice).

      The other option would have been to re-up your Pyramid subscription towards infinity.

    2. I tend to have articles in issues I'm interested in, so a subscription isn't particularly useful for me.

    3. That's generally the case with me as well.

    4. As opposed to having content in DFRPG that you will likely get? Not sure I see the difference, but hey the other points stand about the spare parts and gift copies

    5. If you write an article and it gets in Pyramid, you get a complimentary copy of that issue. If you're as prolific as Matt - and aren't interested in issues on topics you aren't writing about - or as DF-focused as me, a subscription isn't worth it. There is no duplication. You'd only get issues you didn't have any special interest in getting in the first place.

      Buying a boxed set that includes stuff I may or may not get a complete complimentary copy of? Different case altogether. Getting possibly an extra copy of a physical product? Also different.

    6. Yes, I see.

      If I was a giving expensive presents kind of guy I probably would have gone for an extra box set anyway. Even taking out the extra parts I want and selling second hand just below cost would drive some sales for SJ Games.

  2. I went with the boxset, the screen and a print copy of the companion. I couldn't afford the pdfs yet

    1. Hopefully you'll be able to get them before you need them.

  3. I went for everything, but I can't see print add-ins except for the screen and HTBaGGM. Or is it all included in the $250?

    1. I thought it was included, but it's worth asking over on the KS page in the comments.
