
Wednesday, November 16, 2016

The Downside of Painting Cheap Soft Plastic Monsters

I've painted a couple of "miniatures" that are nothing more than soft plastic monsters.

Here is the downside:

 photo Cheap Plastic Junk 001s_zps8dthechj.jpg

See that missing chunk on the arm? You can't see the paint missing from around the hands or the tiny splits in the shoulder, but they are there.

First the figure got tacky - very tacky - which might have been the primer (I can't recall if I primered it, probably). Then that dried and paint is starting to fleck off.

Oh well. It's a cool figure, even cooler painted, but it's clearly temporary as a figure. Oh well.


  1. What brand are they? I recall having similar issues with some of the early Reaper "Bones" line.

    1. The only markings on them are "Made in China."

  2. I have that problem with my Reaper Bones figures. The primer gets tacky, and the acrylics rub off during handling until you get two coats of clearcote on them. I've stopped buying them because it's worth paying more for figures that hold paint.

    1. You're not supposed to prime Bones minis. I find it's a little hydrophobic, so I found a light grey craft paint that goes on easily and base coat them in that. Then I paint normally. No issues, but two coats of clear coat is recommended anyway if you handle your minis like mine sometimes get handled.

  3. Is that grey craft paint spray-on or brush-on?

  4. Brush-on. Anita's 11031 Dove Grey.

  5. I'm assuming toys here. Do you wash them before you paint them? Maybe you could try to scratch up larger surfaces with coarse-grain sandpaper.

    Haven't been having issues with Bones either except for the occasional hydrophobia.
