
Tuesday, December 20, 2016

DF Felltower: Known Gates & Gate Facts

This is a list of the Known Gates and facts known about gates in my GURPS Dungeon Fantasy: Felltower game.

Spell Rules

Gate Spells for DF Felltower

Known Gates

Currently known gates. Teleporters are excluded, as they are not technically gates.

Forest Gate
Status: Open
Location: Felltower on the level at the bottom of the GFS (Giant Fantastic Stairs) on the far side of the DMZ near Five Ooze Junction, in a small forested cavern.
Destination: Weird warped (mutated?) forest or garden, full of hostile plants. Explored in one two three four sessions.
Notes: Tracks consistent with thorn hounds and vegepygmies were found around the gate.

Icy Gate
Status: Open
Location: Felltower on the level at the bottom of the GFS (Giant Fantastic Stairs)
Destination: An icy glacier (?) or ridge facing mountains on an icy-covered land.
Notes: Area around the outside of the gate is extremely cold and icy, as well. Beyond the gate, off in the distance are glints of metal (?) towers. Explored in one two sessions.

Lost City of D'Abo
Status: Open
Location: Felltower on the level at the bottom of the GFS (Giant Fantastic Stairs)
Destination: The Lost City of D'Abo
Notes: Created Servants can pass through, but ended soon after. Scry Gate revealed a domed room with pictures depicting a wilderness map (?) and a black fortress atop Felltower's mountain.

Status: Open
Location: Felltower on the level at the bottom of the GFS (Giant Fantastic Stairs)
Destination: Olympia, explored in one two sessions.
Notes: Ancient Greece-like world ruled by Chronos the Titan.

Unknown Gate #1
Status: Open?
Location: Felltower on the level at the bottom of the GFS (Giant Fantastic Stairs), directly opposite the stairs.
Destination: Unknown
Notes: Created Servants cannot seem to interact with it. Scry Gate failed.

Jester Gate (formerly Unknown Gate #2)
Status: Open
Location: Felltower on the level at the bottom of the GFS (Giant Fantastic Stairs), in an octagonal room.
Destination: Flame-licked sooty cave with a dias and a stone throne.
Notes: Marked with a fool's cap.

Unknown Gate #3 (Nicknamed the "air gate")
Status: Open
Location: Felltower on the level at the bottom of the GFS (Giant Fantastic Stairs), 9' off the ground level at the end of a "landing" sticking out into an egg-shaped area.
Destination: Somewhere in the clouds. PC guesses include heaven, the Sacred Cloud Kingdom, the plane of air elementals
Notes: PCs encountered two air elementals here - on came through the gate after them, another materialized at the gate and met them on the return.

Unknown Gate #4
Status: Closed
Location: Felltower on the level at the bottom of the GFS (Giant Fantastic Stairs)
Destination: Unknown
Notes: Formerly "guarded" by a mated pair of basilisks. Scried with Ancient History for 1,000 years - has been closed for several hundred years.

Unknown Gate #5 aka The Water Gate
Status: Unknown Not a gate.
Location: Felltower on the level at the bottom of the GFS (Giant Fantastic Stairs), in a pool.
Destination: Unknown Not a gate.
Notes: Not confirmed to be a gate, but identified as such by the PCs. Later examined and realized it was a magical pool, not a gate.

Ape Gate, (formerly Jungle Gate, formerly Unknown Gate #6 aka The Earth Gate)
Status: Unknown Open
Location: Felltower on the level at the bottom of the GFS (Giant Fantastic Stairs), down some stairs, near a sinkhole.
Destination: Unknown A sub-tropical jungle with low trees, and a path leading out from a clearing.
Notes: (Originally) believed to be a gate to an "Earth" elemental-themed world. Examined in Session 115.

Unknown Gate #7 aka The Fire Gate or the Hell Gate
Status: Open.
Location: Felltower on the level at the bottom of the GFS (Giant Fantastic Stairs), relatively near the Olympia gate.
Destination: Unknown.
Notes: Surrounded by a silvery circle on the ground and a protective (warding?) Pentagram; believed to be a gate to a "Fire" elemental-themed world.

Unknown Gate #8 aka The Bad Gate or The Naked Halfling Gate
Status: Closed.
Location: Felltower on the "Gate level."
Destination: Unknown.
Notes: Corrodes metal (possibly other things) that pass between the twin pillars. Light flickers and sparks between the two pillars. Scry Gate fails to see anything.

Gate Facts

Known facts about gates. Known unknowns are marked as such with details - stated facts are likely to be completely true.

Created Servants can pass through some gates, not others. Currently it's not known why. Thaumatology suggests even autonomous spells can be attenuated over distance and may be affected by time differences - meaning such spells might just end because of distance from the caster.

Wizard Eye spells cannot pass through any gates.

Thaumatology suggests the nature of some gates makes them impenetrable to non-self-willed forces but would allow transport of unliving objects by willing subjects. In other words, magical forces cannot penetrate but people can carry stuff in themselves.

Keys may be needed for some gates; it's unclear how to identify a key. They will not necessarily be magical; the magic may be in the gate which responds to keys not in the key activating a gate.

Gates are definitely known to work intraplanar (same world), interplanar (different world, possible different reality), and it's suggested they may work across time (transport forwards or backwards in time.) Different worlds may not pass time at the same rate as in the world of Felltower and gates may not always transport people instantly from place to place.*

Gates seem to require you to finish entering if you choose to enter - you can't stick a hand in and pull it back out.

* This is partly a meta-game way of dealing with going into a gate on Real World/Game World Day X, finishing the delve and returning on Real World Day X+14 or X+21 without having to do calendar tricks. I can just say, "it's 21 days later, even though it only felt like 3 in that world!"

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