
Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Hobby Shop Dungeon map

This is the sixth level of the six-level Hobby Shop Dungeon, created by Ernie Gygax and Terry Kuntz:

Comparing it to my maps of Felltower, this is a big level. My bigger levels are on 11 x 17 paper with 8 squares to the inch. This one is 22 x 17 and it seems like it's close to my 8 squares and inch.

That's a tough map to use, for me, though. 11 x 17 is already hard enough for me to keep where I can see it but others can't. And the thin walls scream "D&D" to me because GURPS players would just tear the walls down with Shape Earth spells if they're that thin.

But it's very cool to see, and it's fun to have this to compare with my maps. I like the amount of unkeyed space, too - lots to wander through, making wandering monster rolls and finding little but combat you don't really want. The sheer amount of walking you'd need to do means you'd need magical light sources, plenty of time, and just patience to keep moving around looking for the actual prizes.


  1. Replies
    1. Weird. It shows up in my previews and the link works. I'll try to fix it.

    2. It shows up for me sporadically. I think the problem's upstream from this blog.

  2. 8 squares to the inch? Wow that's dense.

  3. I got to play in Ernie's Hobby Shop Dungeon at Gary Con last week. He had a big laminated black & white copy. Very Cool!

    1. I would like to read a game summary of the session.

  4. Never mind Shape Earth. How about a mallet and a pick and 30 mins?

    1. Well, that too, but Shape Earth is faster and less noisy! Only school rules don't let you spam out spells, which limits you to brute force . . . but brute force would sure work too.

    2. That should say "Old School Rules." I have to turn off autocorrect and autocomplete on all of my devices, it hurts far more than it helps.

  5. Replies
    1. I'd use more but I find communicating them so they're a maze and not an hour of people struggling to figure out what I'm saying vs. what they're mapping is problematic.

    2. Oh a frequent mapper, that would be very frustrating.

    3. I think if you mapped only the square you're in, and weren't mapping what you can see from where you are, a lot of that disappears. If you step 10' forward and now you can go straight or right or back the way you came, that's easy. If you're looking 20-30' in each direction and seeing that straight goes 20' and then left and right Ts out and the left part of the T goes straight or right, then you move up "just enough to see past that corner" it's much harder.

  6. Now THAT is a dungeon! I've never run anything approaching that, for sure.
