
Saturday, September 2, 2017

Bones IV - that was fun

In the end, I didn't add anything to my initial core pledge. There were some good deals, and interesting add-ons, but none that gave me enough value for my money in terms of useful, tabletop-applicable minis.

Still, $110 is fair for what I got, and I can set aside some paint for February 2019 when they are due.


  1. I ended up with about $220.

    Im going from zero (well almost) minis though. So my (competitive/comparitive?) Advantage is spending some of the $$$ I've saved over the years right now.

    My megadungeon was always going to have a demon level.
    Now looks like Giants too.

    1. If I was starting from scratch, I'd have spent more too!

  2. I picked up the lost valley set, the first add-on I've done for bones. There were a few other items I would have liked to have gotten, but that extra $50 was enough strain on my budget.

    1. For me it's not as much budget, as it is buying stuff I think I'll need and use right away. There are things I'd like, and could afford, but come 2019 I probably won't need . . . so I passed.

    2. Is something happening in 2018/19 we should know about?

    3. No, it's just far enough off that I can't say I'll still need all of the minis or that they'd make noteworthy encounters.
