
Saturday, October 21, 2017

On the painting table: Desmond and Hayden the Unnamed Knight

Here is what I'm starting to paint:

Desmond isn't base-coated yet, but he'll get that tonight. He's from one of the Bones Kickstarters.

Hayden has a black base coat and gunmetal grey on his metal gear. He'll get more metallic paint, a re-coating of the red and tan he had before, and some general highlights. He's a TSR elf fighter from a TSR boxed set:

1 comment:

  1. Every time I see 'Hayden the Unnamed Knight' I read it as 'Hayden the Untamed Knight'... then I pause and realize his name isn't as cool as I keep thinking it is.

    Le sigh. Maybe some day he'll earn a name. Or maybe he'll remain Unnamed all his days, stubborn in the face of generic naming conventions.
