
Tuesday, October 17, 2017

The Man Cave's awesome game world

I thought I had a good game world until I saw Clichea.

And I thought Clichea was my ideal world until I saw this:

Battles in the Land of Fowlwarren: our Fantasy Campaign

And I quote:

"Our campaign setting is based entirely on this cartoon which I came across last year:





Oh, my world of Felltower, Stericksburg, the Lost City of D'Abo (and her fabled bells) . . . it feels so overwrought now.

I may need to deploy people from Hopsland and Mallardia in my pool of hirelings . . .


  1. Duck season!
    Rabbit season!
    Duck season!
    Rabbit season!
    Rabbit season!
    Duck season!
    Rabbit season!
    I say it's duck season! Fire!

    1. Fuddist Mercenaries, from the Elmerian Kingdom, would fit in nicely.

  2. This is EXACTLY why people get into wars in my setting. For real! Thank you! Hilarious!

  3. I always thought there was some joke, some pun even, with the Lost City of D'Abo that I was just never getting...

    1. Just Google D'Abo and think of how the results can be connected to fantasy gaming, it's not that complex of a name choice.

    2. Sure, Olivia D'Abo, the princess from Conan the Destroyer. I just always felt like there was more comedy going on there.

    3. There is comedy but mostly in the why there is a city named after her and little game details I threw in.
