
Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Unfazeable & Death Vision

This post springs from a comment I made on a Castle Whiterock game summary.

I've already proposed nerfing Death Vision and making it more of what I feel it should be - an information spell with offensive capabilities - instead of what it is - a broad, irresistible mental attack spell that works on practically anything at all.

But the game summary I linked to above reminded me of something I'd left out - Unfazeable.

Unfazeable should also provide immunity to the stunning effects of Death Vision. It doesn't cause mental stunning due to confusion, or distraction, or puzzlement, or anything of that sort - it's from fear. It is "chilling" and you need to "shake off the effects of the spell." Yet Unfazeable says you are "exempt from Fright Checks," that it is "incompatible with all Phobias," and that Intimidation "does not work on you."

None of that sounds compatible with something "chilling" bothering you.

Me, I chalk up the lack of mention of Unfazeable in Death Vision simply to the wording of Death Vision being unchanged from 1986 (GURPS Fantasy 1st edition, 1st printing). Back then, you had no Fearlessness, no Unfazeable, and even no Fright Checks. It couldn't account for a new advantage, and wasn't modified to do so.


  1. Piece of advice, never let Tim Shorts of Gothridge Manor play a character with Unfazeable.
    It will suck the joy out of the campaign ;-)

    1. I'm never going to let him play GURPS. He rolls a lot of 1s . . . that's an advantage in GURPS as you well know. :)

    2. Nor on Reaction Rolls. But I've gamed with Tim, the problem is him not hitting. Damage is a whole different problem we can deal with later. :)

  2. I agree that Unfazeable stops all fear-based effects, whether those effects mention Unfazeable or not. It's 15 points; it should be good.

  3. For the record, Sean Punch agrees with you:

    1. Hurrah!

      Not a shock, though. Sean and I are very often aligned in how we run games.
