
Saturday, December 7, 2019

Dungeon Fantasy Companion speculation

A cover and an announcement for Dungeon Fantasy Companion, by Sean Punch, was put up on Kickstarter.

Here is what I'm speculating will go in it:

- leftover magic items that didn't fit into Magic Items 2 thanks to not making the extra page count.
- new templates for player character professions
- new templates for player character races
- possibly more "power up" style additions to existing templates.

It would be a good place for new rules, but DFRPG isn't rules-heavy. Monsters, too - it could possibly include monsters left out of Monsters 2 (but for various reasons I suspect they'd get saved for Monsters 3.)

That's what I mostly think will be included.


  1. Replies
    1. Evidently there’s something I’m missing

    2. There was a second one, and they clearly had more monsters than they funded in pagecount. But it did pretty well. Monster books generally have reasonably good sales and a good long tail effect from what I understand and have observed. So it stands to reason you'd eventually get Monsters 3.

  2. New templates...oh my. That would be fun and cool.

    1. There are many more out there we just don't use, as you well know.

    2. True, true. Hopefully they’re more than a rehash of what’s been in Pyramid and other books. But even that would be good for groups other than ours—expanding the DFRPG professions without going full GURPS Dungeon Fantasy is probably a good thing.

    3. Also seems pretty clear that the Minotaur racial template will be included (I think it’s already in DF3).

  3. I don't really see any Professions that are needed... but Races? Yeah. And I could see a brief section on Allies ala DF 5 Allies, just stripping out all the behind the scenes rules and trimming down the number of allies presented.

    I could see magic items (if they don't think they'll ever be a Magic items 3) and Power-Ups though instead of Allies. But the animal 'familier' on the cover makes me lean more toward Allies...

    1. What does need have to do with anything?

    2. Truth, but I also don't see any Professions that add anything of meaningful value that don't require a host a new rules (Psis, or any of the variant magic system users)...

      Maybe Scholars, but, be honest, how many Scholars have you seen in your game and how 'useful' were they really? And if we're throwing Languages out the window, there isn't much a Scholar brings to the table that a properly trained Wizard or Cleric can't bring (by which I mean tossing 8 more points into Lore skills).

    3. Since I don't even offer Scholars as an option, it's not really a question that elicits much - zero, because I allow zero. But there are a fair number of templates for DF that aren't yet in DFRPG. Ninja, assassin, elementalists, summoners, necromancers, many Pyramid templates like Justicars and such . . . no reason some of them can't be written up for DFRPG.

    4. I wouldn't want to buy those. Most of the new DFRPG offerings have been extremely portable to vanilla DF. I don't imagine they'd take the hit to cross pollination by offering the same material twice.
