
Monday, March 30, 2020

Mountain of Meat for GCA

I had a PC recently take Mountain of Meat, the perk from DFD: Barbarians.

I had to write it up myself for GCA. Here it is. Put this in a file ending .gdf or stick it in another GDF file.


* The version information above MUST be the first line of the data file,
* or the first line AFTER the 'Encoding=UTF-8' line, when that is included.

Description=User created data file containing custom traits saved from within GCA.

* Peter V. Dell'Orto
* GURPS(R) Character Assistant Data File
* Created: March 30, 2020
* Requires GCA v4 or later!
<Barbarian Perks>
Mountain of Meat, 1, page(DFDB18), noresync(yes),replacetags(in "ST:Hit Points" with "maxscore(ST:ST * 2)")

If you take off the perk, the limit is still ST * 2, but there you go. Don't give it unless you intend to keep it.

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