
Monday, April 27, 2020

Random Links for 4/27

Just some links I wanted to post but didn't get to over the weekend.

- There is a podcast up with Dr. Kromm over on Roleplay Rescue. I haven't listened to it yet. I've found that I'm a big fan of podcasts while I'm driving, and I work from home at the moment due to COVID-19. I just don't listen when sitting around my house when there is - oooh! Shiny! So I've downloaded this and I'll give it a listen once I'm commuting again.

- According to Kromm, my book was edited and is headed to production. Hopefully after the exhaustive work put into making it better by Doug, Chris, and Matt, it didn't need much editing!

That's it for today. Just a quick update.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks again for doing so.

      One thing regular GURPS players might not appreciate is the value of the tightly-knit author community. I literally could not have turned in as good of a book as I did without it. And I'd happily spend my own free time to make another GURPS book better on behalf of my fellow authors. It's very gratifying to be part of and to experience.

  2. This pandemic has really impacted by podcast listening. I'm like you. I would listed during my longer drives which happened three days a week. Now I haven't been in my car for 45 days.

    1. It's odd how situation-dependent our habits are, isn't it?
