
Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Felltower Rulings to Remember

Here is a collection of random rulings we've made in our GURPS DF / DFRPG Felltower campaign. Some of these might actually be the rules as intended, some are not, some are just how we like to have things run for this specific game. Use this as a rules reference at your own risk; it's really for myself and my players to look at when we try to remember some specific ruling we've made in the past.

This will obviously grow and change - and I'll use strikethrough to mark specific deletions and changes.

Rulings for GURPS DF / DFRPG Felltower:

Order of Operations

Rules apply in this order:

- this document
- DFRPG rules
- DF rules
- GURPS Basic Set

For spells, the order is:

- Revised GURPS Magic posts
- DFRPG Spells
- GURPS Magic

(Most of the issues, questions about usage, and other conflicts come from out-of-order consultation.)


Control Zombie and other control / charm / mind control type attacks are hostile.
Dispel Magic and Counterspell are usually hostile, but under certain circumstances (total non-combat use) will not drop Invisibility.


Purchasing a lens does give you access to the Power-Ups of that lens. You must buy the complete lens, and spend at least the 50 points listed for the lens to do so.

You cannot purchase a lens with your starting points.


Subjects under Levitation cannot fall into pits, off ledges, etc. even if they're not actually held up in the air at the time. However, the equally cannot jump down, either. They can fall down! Walk on Air is broken by a fall, so even an accidental step off a ledge, above a concealed pit, etc. so the spell will just break and not save you. You'd need to be in the air for it to work.

Missile Shield

Protects against missiles, but not all objects moving through the air - specifically, it won't shield you from a Flying Tackle, a Slam or other attack from an airborne foe, etc.

A 3-4 on an attack roll will ignore a Missile Shield as long as the attack has any chance to hit (1+ skill.)

Missile Spells

The reduction in cost for high skill applies each turn when building up a Missile spell.


Unless specifically noted, potions of the same type don't "stack." You cannot drink a potion of the same type for any effect until the previous potion has worn off (or been countered with Universal Antidote.) However you can "replace" a bad roll by consuming a new potion, and can effectively extended the duration of an effect with additional consumption.


Crushing a spellstone takes the Concentrate maneuver. However, unlike most spells, you can crush a spellstone while grappled if you have it ready and the hand holding it can potentially crush the stone given the circumstances (which is usually the case.)

You must crush it willingly to complete the spell. You must crush it with your hand and will it to activate, it can't be done accidentally.

You cannot crush more than one spellstone at a time. It takes a full second's concentration to complete the action.

You can hold them in your mouth, but remember, they're small (1-5 carats for 1-5 power). You will have issues if you're wearing hand armor beyond light (cloth or light leather) - this may require a DX roll with Ham Fisted modifiers.

You cannot learn Fast-Draw (Spellstone.) They're too small.

You cannot hold one ready in the same hand as another item unless you have the "Third Hand" perk.

You cannot use a spell stone on another person by crushing it against them. Known Exceptions: Gem of Healing, Gem of Awakening.

Only Wizardly magic can be made into spell stones, with the exception of the Awaken spell. Gems of Healing and Gems of Awakening are made by the church in some secret process, and are available for sale.


The staff spell only works through 6' or less of wood or formally living material.

A staff reduces the range to the target by -2; a wand or short staff by -1. Range minimum is -1 unless you actually touch the subject; that's the only way to get a -0 range penalty.


  1. I also allow my players to activate spell stones by crushing them against something (a wall, the floor, the crossguard of the sword they're embedded in, etc.). The maneuver and time needed doesn't change.

    1. On the thing they crush it against? That is, making the "something" the subject of the spell?

    2. Mostly, my exception is for healing gems. Embedded on your hilt, you could still spend your turn concentrating and crushing it in your hand to activate. Nothing to Ready. The healing wouldn't affect your sword; it's not as if your sword performed the requisite steps.

      Considering that there are other spell stones that are activated in ways other than concentrate/crush (looking at the individual rubies from a Necklace of Fireballs and Siege Stones), I don't believe my ruling is unreasonable.

      In a few cases, it has even saved PCs' lives in the midst of combat, and that has saved time not making up new characters.

    3. I see. I treat those as other items different than spell stones. I have no issues with some magic stones being different from other magic stones.

  2. Absolutely. I've also been known to expand on the item guidelines after each spell's description in Magic. It's all in the service of fun.

  3. I have had Banishment spellstones crushable by throwing at a target.

    1. Not that they'd ever buy a 10-point powerstone. The cost is prohibitive . . . and if you need it against a 100 point foe in a DF game you've got problems!
