
Friday, June 19, 2020

Random Links & Thoughts for 6/19

The usual random thoughts and links for Friday night.

- I started some discussions about a new GURPS book. We'll see how it goes. I know I can write it, but I also have a lot of real-life schedule uncertainty coming up so I need to be careful about what I commit to. The outline should go in Monday for SJG to look at.

- I started putting down notes for a GURPS book I've been wanting to write for a while. It's too far off for me to even propose it, but at least I've started in on my notes.

- It's tempting to keep pushing your luck, either when it's going well, or when it's going bad. Surely if you stick it out, the law of averages insists you'll start rolling better and getting better results? 538, and Poker, say no.

- Bruce Heard takes a look at economics and weapon prices. D&D: How Much for that Sword?

- I like video game lessons for tabletop play, so I appreciate this post on Minecraft Dungeons over at 9and30kingdoms.

- There is a new Kickstarter of GURPS books coming up. I wrote one of them, a DF volume. Iron Llama doesn't know much about it, either, and he did twice as much for it as I did.


  1. I wrote three books and *I* still don't know much. They're playing it close to the vest. Phil said on the forums that they'll start with one and then move onto others as folks pledge more. So that's something

    1. They do these things that make me question their sanity.

      Like, if there is only one book in the listing I'm interested in //right now// (tight budgeting) and it's not a shoe in to be in the group that gets published from this (still have no real idea how it's working), then I'm going to have to pass on backing it. And I can't be the only person thinking this.

      I mean, maybe it's better for them if the whole project fails as one rather than funding in smaller groups? Or maybe there is some voodoo I'm not privy to...

  2. Looks like they recently tweeted when it's gonna happen (7/1):

    1. That's helpful, thanks Chris.

      I hope it funds enough to get my book published. It took a lot fo work - and a lot of help from you and Doug to make it less chaotic.

    2. I suspect they want to start with a strong book to get funding off to a good start, which says to me that yours is likely early out of the gate.

    3. It's nice of you to say that.

      Really, though, they paid for them all. How can they not eventually publish them all, Kickstarter unlock or not?
