
Saturday, June 13, 2020

Rules We Sometimes Overlook: Grappling To Hit Penalties

GURPS has a lot of little rule exceptions. Not like AD&D subsystems a lot, but a lot. Heh.

One I find we forget occasionally is that Hit Location Penalties are halved for grappling, rounded up. So grabbing the neck is only -3, arms and legs are only -1. If your initial attack is causing damage, you're probably attacking, not grappling. (Grappling and Hit Location, p. B400)

This isn't one I'm fond of, really, since it's an exception. Also, because players in the past have tried to work the words "and hold on after" into attacks to take advantage of when the rules treat grappling differently. "I claw him, and then hold on!" or "I stab him, but I'm really trying to stick the knife in so he can't get away, so it's more of a grapple" or "Instead of touching him with my Melee spell, can I grab him and then immediately let go as a free action?" No, no, no. That said, some monsters will do basically that - grapple, but touching them is bad for you (they're made out of fire, drip acid, exude poison through their palms, etc. - but the initial intent has to be to grapple, and you cannot "let go" as a "free action" until your next turn.

Still, I know it gets forgotten. Posting up here will remind me, and probably remind my players, that it's the law of the land for grappling in GURPS.


  1. You could always just drop it. If it keeps getting forgotten, it might not be particularly relevant.

    And I'm not sure there is any justification for it in anycase.

    1. It's the players who forget it more than I do; this post will help that. I generally have it pre-figured into monster stats.
