
Wednesday, August 26, 2020

DF21: Megadungeons reviews

The critics like it!

Or at least, bloggers like it!

Or at least, Daniel Dover likes it, and he's not rabid DF fan!

GURPS PDF Challenge: GURPS Dungeon Fantasy 21: Megadungeons

There are lots of very complimentary lines in the review, but two things really stood out to me:

"the most valuable sort of words written in an RPG supplement under "But it's not ready yet!""

I don't mean to pat myself on the back, but yeah, I think this is the most valuable thing I have to say. You really only need just enough dungeon to play, to play. Keep writing, keep expanding, and have an idea in your head so everything hangs together . . . but you have to start playing before you're done. I'm not even half done with my original conception of Felltower and we've been playing for nine years. Nine! How long is the average campaign? Probably not 130+ sessions and 9+ years. Imagine if I'd waited until I was "ready."

"This book pleases me on a philosophical level, but it managed to deflate some anxieties I've had about the game, which isn't what I expected."

Honestly, if all my book does is give you some tools and advice to make you feel less anxious about running this kind of game . . . it's a win as an author.

So, I'm pleased at the reception. Mailanka places is below Action 7, but I'm not hurt - Action 7 is really, really good and too, too short.

(Apropos being an author, I stumbled across this today looking for something else I'd written:

My Author Page at

I need to add a bio and picture to that.)


  1. I mean, I'm no Dan Dover, but it's the only reason I backed the KS. And it is my favorite of the series, Action 7 and HToBA GURPS GM: RPM are great too, and the Adventures are all well done... but I could have waited on those to come out and pick them up here and there (especially Action 6 and Boardroom and Curia: Tomorrow Rides, I mean, unless something weird happens I won't need modern vehicles for a while), but dungeon and campaign planning? That's like wheelhouse man. That's basic back-to-the-beginning //necessary// stuff.

    Monster Encounters based on the Reaction Table? Exquisite.

    1. I really appreciate that!

      Monster Encounters based on the Reaction Table? Exquisite.

      Thanks. I'm not the first person with that idea, though. It wasn't new when I started using it. I do think my execution of it works well, though, and I never saw a complete table to just grab and use. Execution matters or people would all still be using Friendster. So I tried to execute it well - and have treasure tables work on the same system so it all makes sense. You know, more GURPS than, say, AD&D, where stocking monsters is multiple systems and stocking treasure depends on a choice of systems - with a division so unclear people still argue about whether you're supposed to be using treasure type in dungeons.
