
Monday, August 10, 2020

The Majestic Fantasy RPG Basic Rules Kickstarter

I need another ruleset like I need another hole in my head.*

That said, I backed this:

Rob is a good author, and I really liked two of his other works:

Review: Supplement VI The Majestic Wilderlands

Scourge of the Demon Wolf

His writing is clear, his rules decisions sound, and his ideas interesting and creative. Give it a look. I'll pay $8 to get and read his book when it comes out.

* That would have worked, if you hadn't stopped me.


  1. Appreciate the shout out and recommendation. Also know that I greatly enjoyed your GURPS Megadungeon PDF from the recent kickstarter.

    1. I'm happy to pass the word on.

      And thank you!

  2. But a hole in your head would ventilate your brain and all the cool kids are doing it!
