
Thursday, November 19, 2020

GURPS Combat Cards

I've been remiss in not mentioning this on the blog:

GURPS Combat Cards Now Available

One of my players uses combat cards; I think a few more would benefit from having them in front of them so we wouldn't have the same questions so often (Usually about doing a "Wild Swing" - they mean Move and Attack - and defenses, or what your options are on Committed Attack when you take an extra step, and All-Out Defend.) It's a good way to do "No Rules Lookups in Play" and yet have the rules at your fingertips.

They're $12.95 on Warehouse23.

They real, potentially crippling downside to this set is that it's Basic Set only. It's Martial Arts that introduces a lot of options to combat, and Martial Arts really needs a set of combat cards for its options. For now, we'll have to stick with notes and home-made cards.


  1. I don't know anything about the economics of RPG publishing, but expanded combat cards always seemed like a no-brainer to me.

    1. No joke. It's not the sort of product I need often, but for those occasional games where I have a newby, or someone who steadfastly refuses to learn combat rules, they are perfect..

  2. Seems like that would be a good quickstarter project. Just the cards needed for the new options, perhaps buffing out the combat options you can say "Maneuver card PLUS Combat Option Card" if that's not already there. But seems like something ripe for "phase two" release

    1. It's got to be ripe for some kind of release!
