
Friday, February 19, 2021

Random Links for Friday - 2/19/21

A few links from the past week I wanted to share:

- This is outstanding:

Stalingrad Project: Third and Final

- Hirelings. Always a topic I enjoy. I didn't weigh in here as it's really too original D&D specific for my experience, but I did enjoy reading it.

I have my own approach to hirelings, some of which you can see in DF 15, and some which I have out on this blog.

When Are Henchmen Appropriate?

Also this: How Much Info on Henchmen?

It's GURPS-specific, but I give people full character sheets for Allies, and enough info to run the character otherwise. I reserve the right to be lying on the record sheets.

- Spoke too soon on Dragonsraid:

Dragonraid Closer Look Part One

- I don't play The Fantasy Trip, but I do try to get the word about when Doug is doing a project. So here we are!

TFT Character Collections Kickstarter

- I'm reading this series on Universal Soldiers over at ACOUP. "The Face of Battle" was a really formative book for me, so this is a particularly interesting series for me.

- Hurting Wrong Fun anyone?


  1. Wow. Folks are dogpiling on SJ for something he said *forty years ago*. I feel like that might be fishing a bit.

    1. We do it to, say, Gygax over the DMG. And it's an argument about how to play that still goes on. His views may have changed, maybe not, but it's still a thing in the hobby - the idea that a given play style is wrong because it doesn't suit you.

  2. Thank you for introducing me to ACOUP. His ability to put history into context is remarkable. It's become one of my favorite blogs.

  3. Agreed, people should play the way they want to play, and the way their group finds the most enjoyable. The only "badwrongfun" is the one where you and your group are not having fun.

    I'm lucky, I can fit easily into both mindsets as I'm a bit in the middle, I like "amateur-hour thespianism" and I enjoy tactical miniatures battles, so I tend to combine the two and roll as both as a player, and reward both appropriately as a GM.

    1. That's the critical thing - find (or make, or help make) the group that plays the way like, then do that thing. It's only wrong if it's hurting the ones who play it, or not fun for the ones who play it, and so on.

  4. Since you and ACOUP both like Face of Battle I went ahead and ordered

    1. I think you will not regret the purchase. I read it in a library at some point and then bought a copy to re-read whenever it is convenient.

    2. Trash that particular view all you want - I agree that it's in the category of "hurting wrong fun," as you say. The comments though, are as frequently directed at the man as the 4-decade-old attitude.

      Now, if someone, say, poked SJ and said "you still think this way?" and he doubled down, have at it. Otherwise it seems like a cheap shot.

    3. Do you really think I'm going to defend all of the comments made by people on the internet?

      And it's only the point of view that I commented on, here and there.
