
Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Otto the Terrible (Orcish Unholy Warrior)

Also known as Evil Otto, this is my orc unholy warrior from Sunday's game:


Name: Otto the Terrible

Race: Orc

Attributes [155]

ST 14 [30] (ST includes +1 from 'Racial ST Bonus')

DX 13 [60]

IQ 11 [40] (IQ includes -1 from 'Orc (Dungeon Fantasy)')

HT 14 [30] (HT includes +1 from 'Orc (Dungeon Fantasy)')


HP 16 (Hit Points includes +2 from 'Orc (Dungeon Fantasy)')

Will 14 [10] (Will includes +1 from 'Orc (Dungeon Fantasy)')

Per 12 (Perception includes +1 from 'Orc (Dungeon Fantasy)')

FP 14


Basic Lift 39

Damage 1d/2d


Basic Speed 6 [-15]

Basic Move 6


Ground Move 6

Water Move 1


Social Background

TL: 3 [0]

Cultural Familiarities:

Languages: Common (Native) [0].


Advantages [72]

Acute Hearing (2) [4*]

Born War-Leader (1) [5]

Goblin-Kin Infravision [10*]

Racial ST Bonus (1) (Size) [10*]

Rapid Healing [5*]

Resistant to Disease 5 [5*]

Resistant to Poison 5 [5*]

Trading Character Points for Money ($500) [1]

Unholiness (2) [10]

Unholy Might Blessed (Dastardly Deeds; DX) (1) (Unholy) [9]

Unholy Might Terror (Will-0) (Unholy) [27]

Unholy Warrior Higher Purpose (Slay Servitors of Good) (1) [5]

* = item is owned by another, point value is included in the other item.


Perks [3]

Blood Healing [1]

Legionary of the Damned [1]

Venomous Tongue [1]


Disadvantages [-35]

Appearance (Ugly) [-8*]

Bad Temper (15 or less) [-5]

Bully (12 or less) [-10*]

Callous [-5]

Intolerance (All other Religions) [-10]

Selfish (12 or less) [-5]

Social Stigma (Excommunicated) [-10]

Social Stigma (Savage) [-10*]

* = item is owned by another, point value is included in the other item.


Quirks [-5]

Broad-Minded [-1]

Cruel sense of humor [-1]

Hates wine, loves beer [-1]

Reticent to discuss his powers and religion [-1]

Thinks non-evil people are as evil as he is [-1]


Packages [0]

Orc (Dungeon Fantasy) [15]

Unholy Warrior (Dungeon Fantasy) [0]


Skills [60]

Brawling DX/E - DX+1 14 [2]

Broadsword DX/A - DX+3 16 [12]

Climbing DX/A - DX-1 12 [1]

Crossbow DX/E - DX+2 15 [4]

Exorcism Will/H - Will+0 14 [4]

Fast-Draw (Sword) DX/E - DX+0 13 [1]

Hidden Lore (Demon Lore) IQ/A - IQ+0 11 [2]

Interrogation IQ/A - IQ+0 11 [1]

Intimidation Will/A - Will-1 13 [1]

Knife DX/E - DX-4 9 [0]

Leadership IQ/A - IQ+0 11 [1]

includes: +1 from 'Born War-Leader'

Meditation Will/H - Will-2 12 [1]

Physiology/TL3 (Human) IQ/H - IQ+0 11 [4]

Poisons/TL3 IQ/H - IQ-2 9 [1]

Psychology (Human) IQ/H - IQ+0 11 [4]

Religious Ritual (Demon-worship) IQ/H - IQ-2 9 [1]

Shield (Shield) DX/E - DX+3 16 [8]

Stealth DX/A - DX-1 12 [1]

Strategy (Land) IQ/H - IQ+0 11 [2]

includes: +1 from 'Born War-Leader'

Survival (Woodlands) Per/A - Per-1 11 [1]

Swimming HT/E - HT+0 14 [1]

Tactics IQ/H - IQ+0 11 [2]

includes: +1 from 'Born War-Leader'

Theology (Demon-worship) IQ/H - IQ-2 9 [1]

Wrestling DX/A - DX+1 14 [4]


Stats [155] Ads [72] Disads [-35] Quirks [-5] Skills [60] = Total [250]  


Hand Weapons

1  Medium Shield  LC:4  $60  Wgt:15 

    Bash  Dam:1d cr  Reach:1  Parry:No  ST:  Skill:ST:DX-4, SK:Shield (Buckler)-2, SK:Shield (Force)-2, SK:Shield (Shield)  Notes:[2,3,4] 

    Rush  Dam:slam+2 cr  Reach:1  Parry:No  ST:  Skill:ST:DX-4, SK:Shield (Buckler)-2, SK:Shield (Force)-2, SK:Shield (Shield)  Notes:[2,3,4] 

1  Small Knife  LC:4|4|4  $30  Wgt:.5 

    Swing  Dam:2d-3 cut  Reach:C, 1  Parry:6  ST:5  Skill:SK:Sword!, SK:Knife, ST:DX-4, SK:Force Sword-3, SK:Main-Gauche-3, SK:Shortsword-3 

    Thrust  Dam:1d-1 imp  Reach:C  Parry:6  ST:5  Skill:SK:Sword!, SK:Knife, ST:DX-4, SK:Force Sword-3, SK:Main-Gauche-3, SK:Shortsword-3  Notes:[1] 

1  Thrusting Broadsword  LC:4|4  $240  Wgt:3 

    Swing  Dam:2d+1 cut  Reach:1  Parry:11  ST:10  Skill:SK:Sword!, SK:Broadsword, ST:DX-5, SK:Force Sword-4, SK:Rapier-4, SK:Saber-4, SK:Shortsword-2, SK:Two-Handed Sword-4 

    Thrust  Dam:1d+2 imp  Reach:1  Parry:11  ST:10  Skill:SK:Sword!, SK:Broadsword, ST:DX-5, SK:Force Sword-4, SK:Rapier-4, SK:Saber-4, SK:Shortsword-2, SK:Two-Handed Sword-4 


Ranged Weapons

1  Crossbow (ST 14)  LC:4  Dam:1d+4 imp  Acc:4  Range:280 / 350 

    RoF:1  Shots:1(4)  ST:7†  Bulk:-6  Rcl:  $150  Wgt:6  Notes:[3] 

1  Small Knife  LC:4|4|4  Dam:1d-1 imp  Acc:0  Range:7 / 14 

    RoF:1  Shots:T(1)  ST:5  Bulk:-1  Rcl:-  $30  Wgt:.5 


Armor & Possessions

1  Blanket  $20  Wgt:4  Location: 

9  Crossbow Bolt  $18  Wgt:.54  Location: 

1  Heavy Leather Boots  $52  Wgt:4.2  Location:feet 

1  Heavy Leather Gloves  $15  Wgt:1.2  Location:hands 

1  Heavy Scale Helm  $275  Wgt:10  Location:skull 

1  Light Cloth Skullcap  $13  Wgt:1.5  Location:skull 

1  Ordinary Clothes  $0  Wgt:2  Location: 

1  Personal Basics  $5  Wgt:1  Location: 

1  Pouch  $10  Wgt:0  Location: 

3  Rations  $6  Wgt:1.5  Location: 

1  Scale Body Armor  $578  Wgt:29.4  Location:groin, torso 

1  Shoulder Quiver  $10  Wgt:.5  Location: 

1  Whetstone  $5  Wgt:1  Location: 

1  Wineskin  $10  Wgt:.25  Location: 



- I interpreted Intolerance (All other religions) to mean non-demon worshippers, not all other demons than one. I didn't figure on a D&D cosmology with individual demons so much as a polytheistic approach of, hey, better placate all of those demons.

- I equipped him as if he was a real adventurer, not a one-shot guy. Even so . . . he's a bit lacking in gear in some ways.

- He originally had Resistant to Metabolic Hazards (+3) for [10] but Marshall and I both convert to the DFRPG standard of +1 = 1 pt, and so I split it into +5 and +5. It could have been +3 and +3 for 6 points, but a 16 point racial template is annoying and it's lame to go find a quirk to make your own guy cheaper. I might do that in a campaign, but hey, for a one shot, pay the extra 5 and be +5 vs. both!

- He's not "evil," exactly, but he is a selfish, bad-tempered bully who looks down on anyone who isn't a demon-worshipper, thinks the worst of people, and has little regard for the feelings of others. He's a sociopath, or at least sociopathic. Played long enough, it's likely he'd commit all sorts of evil acts just out of the convenience factor in doing so. But he's intelligent and will make his decisions based on personal benefit rather than personal spite, most of the time - but hey, he's selfish and bad-tempered, so you never know what he might rationalize as "personal benefit" if those are triggered.

- One of my players is always after us to play evil guys. He didn't show up to game. The guys who insist on being the good guys - like me, and a couple of other players - and who frown on intra-party conflict - showed up, made evil guys, and all agreed killing Kito to net 1 HP back for me was totally fine. So there you go.

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