
Thursday, August 26, 2021

DF, Lenses, Holy Warrior, and Higher Purpose

This came up in email the other day as Heyden is looking at spending his 50-odd points on a lens as a Holy Warrior.

Can he spend some of his 25 points for Holy abilities on the lens on improved levels of Higher Purpose?

I said the following:

"DF3, p. 28, and DF1, p. 22 are the relevant pages.

Higher Purpose is not a listed Holy ability, and in fact on p. 22 of DF1 it's listed separately:

"A further 25 points chosen from among additional Holy abilities or [. . .] Higher Purpose (different from first) [5] [. . .]"

So it's clearly not a "Holy ability." So no, you're limited to 1 level to start with, unless you have other points to spend. Your 25 points can be spent on Holy abilities or skills listed in the lens."

I can see plenty of room to argue this . . . but for DF Felltower, I won't accept those arguments. Lenses are pretty strictly defined, and Higher Purporse doesn't fall under "Holy Might" or the list of "Holy abilities." I think lenses are quite powerful - and come with access to additional disadvantages to make them a positive 60 points rather than 50, for 50 points spent. I don't think they need additional flexibility.

So Heyden will have to spend 25 points, and decide between the powers on pg. 22 of DF1 or the skills his lens comes with. We'll see what he does, if he does this.


  1. Oww, I'm with Heyden, I really didn't like the Holy abilities either and on my Holy Warrior have gone only into the Higher Purposes (and Resistance to Evil Supernatural).

    Though as my GM is a lot more flexible, I'm branching into Slayer territory soonish (as long as we don't meet //another// Evil* type for him to take Higher Purpose to fight...).

    * Technically the last two types weren't capital 'E' evil, just destructive or annoying... frickin Fire Wizards and Fey...

    1. I don't know if it is that or not. I was told options were being discussed, and asked if this was an allowed option.

    2. Ah, well, in my experience a request for options is usually because there is some level of dissatisfaction with the options present... but then your guys might just like to firmly stake down all variations before making a decision.

    3. My guys are almost certainly trying to come up with a complete, exhaustive list so they can put together every combo in order to choose the optimal one.

  2. Evileyore, Stenet should meet Gareth!

    1. "No Interparty Conflict" sir. It's right there in the rules, so the inflexible Holy Slayer PC who who has a Higher Purpose to Slay Evil Mages should stay away from the 'Evil' Mage PC (okay, he's probably just lower case 'e' evil).

      Probably won't be partnering up with Christine again either, even though she was clearly just a Destructive Mage (the propensity to destroy loot is high in this one, thoughtlessly destroying loot is 'evil').

      In fact... the list of Mages Stenet would approve of in your game is short... there is a lot of quirky, weird, and mad going on in that group of 'dress wearing mumblers'.
