
Monday, November 22, 2021

Barbarian WIP

I got a little painting in today:

Zoomed in with the camera, it's easy to see the details I can't see on the actual figure. I'm hoping better lighting will do it. I think I need to start trying to learn to paint with a magnifying glass, like this Alsatian gentleman:

I need to make him a little more colorful, too. Not sure where. Maybe I'll color his clothing, such as it is, with red and blue fringe or highlights.


  1. The headband and necklace need color to set them apart from his hair, and his boots need a little something to pull them up out of the mud he's standing in (like either lighten the ground, moss, grass, etc, or lighten his boots). The sheathe is good, the belt and armband have details that are getting washed out in the brown, but I've seen you get in on those kinda fine details before, so I suspect that's coming.

    1. Thanks for the suggestions. Yeah, I'll make the base he stands on lighter, for sure.

      Hopefully my eyesight will help pick out those details on the figure with my brush!

  2. If you want to add color, he's got a headband you might paint. The jewels on the bracelet are a good choice, too. If you're having vision issues, the face of the shield gives you some space to play, too. A simple two-tone pattern would be easy to do and add a lot of character.

    1. Thanks, those are excellent ideas, and I'll get right on them!
