
Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Assorted painting

Today was a day of painting cleanup, mostly.

I did the following:

- dull-coated six figures.

- glued together three minis - two that need painting, and one that was painted but broke.

- sorted through some minis to find others I'm in the mood to paint.

I haven't really started painting anything new yet. I may get in some base-coating of a couple of Bones minis tonight.

Overall, it's been fun getting back to painting.


  1. There's a lot to be said for the therapeutic nature of painting. I love that the RPG hobby has so many differnt facets which draw people in.

    You must share some photos when they are ready for prime time.

    1. I agree - it's really nice to be back to painting. It's a temporary thing, I think, but I have the time for it.

      I will share when I can. My players have a tendency to read into minis I paint, and create self-fulfilling prophecies, or anticipate based on what they see . . . so I'll keep most under wraps until they hit the virtual table. But it is so nice to have a few more ready to show and I can't wait to really show them off.
