
Friday, December 17, 2021

Random Post Links 12/17/2021

Not a lot this week.

- The comments section on my last post has kinda exploded with thoughts. It's worth a look:

Melee Academy: Expanded Melee Weapon Defaults

- I don't play intrigue-heavy games, but this seems like a good way to begin the thought process if you'd like to run one sometime:
Some Thoughts on Intrigue

- D&D sure lends itself to math, as Delta proves over and over again:

Wilderness Simulator Stats

- Lich Van Winkle is posting again. It's interesting but not surprising how far back diverging ideas about game lethality go.

- I've had a few people I don't know "buy" me Pay What You Want items on DriveThruRPG for $0. No thanks. I won't ever download or read any of them.

See you all next post.

1 comment:

  1. "The comments section on my last post has kinda exploded with thoughts"

    Sorry (not sorry) about that. That's how I work through ideas... and I don't have the forums anymore so... your blog comments section gets to hear my crazed half-baked nonsense (as does Bookface, but you tend to have things more inline with what I'm working on/doing as I'm 99% completely devoted to only running DF these days, 1% on AtE/Fallout/Gamma World nonsense - I will never let AtE/Fallout/Gamma World go completely untouched or thought about).

    "Some Thoughts on Intrigue"
    Oh, very nice. I'ma haveta look deeper into their other thoughts on gaming and see what other nifty things they have to say... and of course I'll be making sure my GM sees this (as if Gwythaint isn't in here reading it already and probably deciding if it needs to be incorporated into his City/Megadungeon campaign).

    "Lich Van Winkle is posting again"

    I'm definitely adding this quote to my arsenal:

    "July 1975 (Alarums & Excursions #2):
    Dave [Arneson, the co-author of D&D] and I disagree on how to handle any number of things, and both of our campaigns differ from the rules found in D&D. If the time ever comes when all aspects of fantasy are covered and the vast majority of its players agree on how the game should be played, D&D will have become staid and boring indeed. Sorry, but I don't believe that there is anything desirable in having various campaigns playing similarly to one another. D&D is supposed to offer a challenge to the imagination and to do so in many ways."

    That's a nice solid quote.
