
Saturday, February 26, 2022

Don't "Gift" me free PDFs from DriveThruRPG

The title really says it all, here.

Periodically, people "gift" me a purchase on DriveThruRPG. It's always a free item, or a Pay What You Want item they've presumably paid $0 for.

It's never something I asked for or want.

And I simply do not ever pick the gift up or download the item.

I figure this is just spam marketing at heart. It's junk mail. I don't want to check out your PDF. I don't want to read your product if you have to push it on me yourself. And I don't want someone to figure some free item is a solution to my problems and just send it to me.

Sorry for the rant, here, it's just that I can't believe I'm the only one this happens to. It's annoying. I'd block this on DriveThruRPG if I could figure out a way to do so. It just clutters up my library . . . and I won't check out what I don't know I bought myself.

Anyone have a solution to this spammy way of getting product out that I can take?


  1. That's kinda weird. Doesn't happen to me, as far as I noticed, but then I'm nobody important RPG-wise. Maybe it also happens to other well-known RPG bloggers or authors. Maybe it's only because your DriveThru identity is available through your wish list.

    Is there a cover note or other context with the "gift"? Can you tell if it's from the author of the free sample, or from someone else entirely?

  2. Maybe it is by mistake; I did something similar just now!
    I had been looking at your actual wish list, just before I went to collect my DriveThru copy of Nordlond Bestiary from Gaming Ballistic, only after the transaction completed did I find that I had accidentally sent it to you rather than collect it for myself. There was no obvious message to notify that this was going to happen until after the transaction was complete.

    1. D'oh! I saw the email sorting it out, though.

    2. Yeah, it's all good.

      I must commend OneBookShelf for sorting it very quickly after I reported the issue, and on a Sunday too. Good customer service experience!

  3. Yeah, OneBookShelf was quick to respond and fix. Good customer service, especially considering it was on a Sunday.

    You might want to raise a ticket with them yourself, as they can hopefully sort your issue too. Maybe they can delete the unwanted freebies from your library.
