
Monday, February 14, 2022

Missing Nazi Gold & Adventures

Being a being fan of a) Kelly's Heroes and b) adventure seeds, this video from Mark Felton really got my attention the other day:

A secret hoard of Nazi gold is a useful tool for:

- being a target to steal or recover

- explaining a sudden amount of wealth used for nefarious purposes

- acting as a good start point for a post-WWII adventure game, either serious and gritty (using GURPS World War II and Espionage), or lighter (using Action or Cliffhangers.)
. . . and probably for other adventure seeds, as well.

This video provides a lot of information about specifics of gold recovered (useful for that military briefing to kick things off) and missing (same.)

Oh, and gold that just up and disappears without a trace, but with a thin official explanation for the missing gold? Time traveling thieves are clearly to blame, if you want to use GURPS Time Travel.

Fun stuff.

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