
Sunday, April 17, 2022

Felltower Prep

It's Easter Sunday, so I have a bit of a slow morning.

I'm spending some of it doing Felltower prep for our new session, tentatively entitled, "Buck Naked and the Ooze Level."*

I'm also trying to finally get some of the more complex enemies into Foundry VTT. It's not easy because I do stuff like ranged Maledictions with tiered effects (Fail by 5+, fail, succeed, critically succeed each with different effects), attacks with followups, DR-bypassing attacks, etc. So I'm combing through the finished examples I can find and seeing what worked there. I'd pay good money for an official GURPS package for Foundry VTT that had everything - all of the DF monsters, all of the DF rules set up, etc. - but I can't see SJG working with the current designers of the unofficial package and making this happen.

So I have to do it by hand.

Today is where I do some of that.

* Indirect and obscure Sam & Max reference there.

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