
Thursday, April 7, 2022

GURPS Dungeon Fantasy 21: Megadungeons on sale in Warehouse 23

I'm not sure when this went up, exactly, but I stopped by W23 today coincidentally and saw this note:

Oops! We Overfed The Dungeon
Posted: April 07, 2022

Some GURPS games explore really deep concepts. Some go even deeper. GURPS Dungeon Fantasy 21: Megadungeons provides insight into making really big dungeons, with tips for creating, populating, and enlivening them. Delve deeply into your next campaign with a download from Warehouse 23!

Well, hurrah!

It's $4, and you can finally pick this up if you missed the Kickstarter campaign. I don't get royalties for this - it was a flat payment - but any purchase of a book of mine from SJG helps me get better rates and faster approval on future work. So if this might be useful to you, please pick it up!

If you already own it, please consider giving it a rating. A positive rating might help another decide to pick it up, and spread my work more widely.

1 comment:

  1. I'm rather biased, but I enjoyed the content of this book.
