
Friday, April 15, 2022

Links & Random Bits for Friday 4/15/2022

Stuff for Friday 4/15/2022.

- Nothing earth-shattering here, but good stuff on skill systems over on Blood of Prokopius.

- A nice post here on model scale.

- ACOUP evicerates Expeditions: Rome:

"[. . .] if the goal here was a narrative embedded in Roman history in a real and deep way, the game exposes a grasp of Roman history on the level of a garbled undergraduate course half-remembered a decade later." Ouch. I didn't spend that much time on Roman history, except for one specific period - a 300-level course on Augustan Rome (we had to learn the names of all of consuls and tribunes, so it was pretty detailed) - but I'd love a game that treats it with more historical accuracy. It would be nice to learn as I play. This isn't the one, clearly.

I don't cleave to historical accuracy in my Felltower game, but man, I make it totally clear I want fun over versimilitude, and versimilitude over truth. I don't sell it as truth.

- I'm having trouble putting in Maledictions into the /mook generator in Foundry VTT with the GURPS module. Anyone have a good example of a text writeup that /mook will just take as an imported line and work?

- More Black City summaries.

- There is an interesting reading list embedded in Ultima Underworld II. I've read all of the real books on this list except The Princess Bride and Pale Fire. I'll read the latter - Lolita was worth the time, even if I'm more of a Dostoevskii sort when it comes to Russian literature.

1 comment:

  1. Pale Fire is hilarious, and not as self-indulgent as Lolita. The Princess Bride, on the other hand, is maybe the novel I left unfinished more perplexed and disgusted than any other. Perplexed by the fact it had been recommended to me and disgusted by its smug, facile, sexist, repetitive, deeply unfunny tone. It's a fantasy novel for people who hate not only fantasy novels, but the fairy tales, epics, and adventure yarns they're descended from.
