
Saturday, May 21, 2022

Order updates

I didn't do anything significant gaming-related today. Too much work.

But, a few updates on things I ordered:

- My POD copy of The Traveller Book has finally shipped, hurrah!

- Fire in the Lake is up to 893 orders and is still At the Printer.

- I finally got a replacement copy for some of my Michael Moorcock books that I loaned out to . . . someone . . . at some time. They've been out of my grasp since before COVID was a news story about some overseas outbreak. I finally just plunked down the money for the books.

I'm excited to receive the Traveller Book and give it a cover-to-cover read. I haven't done any reviews recently on Dungeon Fantastic, so no promises, but I might try to get one in. If you have specific questions about the Traveller Book, let me know and I'll make sure to answer them.

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