
Tuesday, January 10, 2023

More notes on DF Session 178

More things about DF Session 178.

- I love how the legend of Cornwood grows. Using "of Cornwood" to describe a PC goes back to Aldwyn. His player wanted to come from the game world's equivalent of Britain. Someone - either he or I, I recall - said that would be Cornwood. And it went from there.

Lenjamin is run by that player's little brother. He's our second Fancy Man of Cornwood. He's pretty interested in "invading" Cornwood. There is some discussion if this means just going to visit, and that Cornwoodians* call going back home to visit the family "invading" or if it means he's a horrible traitor. We'll see! It's not terribly likely I'll send them to Cornwood. But it would be fun.

- Gormundel was the bandit wizard in Sakatha's tomb. The PCs don't know this, but he's gone now and there is no harm in them knowing. Actually, I had a roll for people to recognize him, as after fleeing the original PC attack on the tomb he moved to Stericksburg. But as an excommunicated wizard with a criminal record, he didn't stay long . . . but was there long enough to be a known threat to the peace. No, there isn't a reward on his head. He left and that's all anyone wanted him to do. Still, it was fun. He chose poorly in terms of rooms . . . he had no where to flee.

He also had a lot of useful spells, but all of them would have given away his location. He was hiding hoping the PCs wouldn't follow, or would get stuck, or whatever. He's a tall guy, out of shape and pudgy, but not too big to squirm through the hole. Had he revved up with some of his fire spells, it might have gone badly for Connor, but it wasn't to be. Connor just kept too close. Had the PCs hesitated and argued a bit longer about who should go and should they go . . . going would have become likey impossible or at least costly in casualties. You can't win a fight that needs boldness with caution.

- I'm rather liking this area. Yes, it's heavily pulled from a published adventure that I quite like. I got rid of the bits I didn't need - including a way cool puzzle monsters because I don't need another puzzle monster - but kept the core bits I enjoyed the most. It's odd how much high level adventures - and it is one - adapt well for GURPS Dungeon Fantasy. You just have to use more "worthy" than "boss" monsters along the way.

- We've been playing GURPS for years and some spells still invoke questions. Odd ones, in a way. Desmond wanted to use Create Earth to fill the hex one of the knights was in with dirt to trap it. Uh, no. It takes a full second to appear and the knight could just walk out. I'm not sure why that's still a question. It's a pretty basic thing - a spell that instantly and completely trapped a foe with no resistance roll or defense roll should cost more than a few points to cast, right?

- Next game is likely in 3 weeks. Gives the PCs time to recoup and the cultists time to recruit some more guards! They'll need them. They're down 11 so far, plus a triger and two mechanical knights.

* Cornwoodiots? Cornies? Woodites?


  1. I had some PCs neutralize a living pit by filling it with created earth in a low ceiling area where it couldn't eject it all .

  2. Cornwoods. Just Cornwoods.

    -- evileeyore
