
Thursday, May 18, 2023

DF Magic Item: Woundlicker

Back in 2013, I was playing in my second session of the Swords & Wizardry B-Team with Erik Tenkar. My PC, Mirado, got his two signature weapons - an ogre's head (used as a flail) and a sword called Woundlicker.

Here is the whole S&W description: Woundlicker, a +1 longsword that vampires 1 HP per strike, but sucks out 1 HP on a 1.

How would I make that for GURPS DF?


A fine longsword of no special appearance. Woundlicker is enchanted with Accuracy 1, Puissance 1, and a variant of Steal Vitality. On a hit that successfully deals at least 3 HP of cutting injury, the sword "drinks" the shed blood of the target and gives 1 HP back to the wielder. This can heal wounds; if the wielder is unwounded this effect is wasted. However, on any critical miss, Woundlicker drinks 1 HP and 1 FP from the wielder - this ignores all DR and resistances. Targets with No Blood provide no healing to the wielder; wielders with No Blood instead lose only 1 FP.

This is quite powerful, and it's an easy tool to heal yourself up. You can limit this to a single strike per target healing the wielder, or raise the required damage inflicted. A variant would be Deathdrinker, which heals the wielder 1 HP of injury for every victim personally slain, No Blood or not.

I'd probably allow this. No, M.L., it's not out there for your longsword fighters to find. Not yet, anyway.

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