
Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Hasbro selling D&D IP?

This came up on my news feed:

Hasbro Seeks to Sell IP “DND” and Has Had Preliminary Contact with Tencent

Short version? Hasbro is trying to sell the D&D IP, and Tencent has a line on buying it.

I'm not sure what this would mean for WOTC, the 50th anniversary of D&D, and all of that, if true.

(Editing later: Tenkar has a take on it.)

(Editing on 2/1/2024: PCGamer says that Hasbro says they aren't selling.)


  1. Headlines for this news tends to be a little clickbaity, since in reality Tencent is looking to buy parts of the IP relating to electronic video gaming, not the entirety of the IP as many titles tend to suggest.
    But either way, Tencent? Yikes.

    1. I don't know, selling the IP of D&D seems like a big thing. I don't speak Chinese so I can't vouch for what IP it is based on either article - the one I linked to doesn't say video game IP only, the original doesn't translate that way using DeepL, either. It seems likely based on the buying company that they'd be interested in video games but I'm not sure we know exactly what would be sold, yet.
