
Saturday, June 1, 2024

Knocking off helmets in DF Felltower

Faced with an amazon warrior with a spear and magic helmet, one of my players asked about knocking off helmets.

Short answer . . . you can't. Helmets are designed to stay on, so you can't just tip one off.

You can grapple a foe and get their helmet off . . . but it'll take work. You need to take off straps, unbuckle buckles, and/or untie ties. Effectively, this can be done on a foe that is immobolized.

In other words, to defeat the guardian by taking off her helmet, you'll need to defeat the guardian by gappling and immobilizing her, and then take her helmet off. Not worth much unless the only way to finish the deal is taking off that helmet.


  1. I suspect most folks' knowledge of helmet security comes from TV and movies, where the most important thing is easy on and off to show the talent's faces and emoting. Straps, restraints, even tie-downs were all a thing.

  2. It shouldn't require immobilization, unless you want to remove the helm (or armour piece) nicely. I could see someone get a good grapple on and then start Armour or Helm Wrenching... what do you think will go first, the victim's neck or the straps holding the helmet on?

    And that's not accounting for a strong grappler pulling a knife and starting to cut straps.

    1. Sure, maybe, but resolution will be more complicated than rewarding for this kind of game.
