
Thursday, November 21, 2024

GURPS House Rule: You're A Natural

I've been using this rule, or close to it, since my 3rd edition GURPS games. I remember my friend Fred's brother Dave benefiting from this in his very first session, which would have been 1992-3, maybe?

It came up in our most recent DF session, Session 200. It also came up in Total Party Teleport II, as well. Here is the proper writeup for 4th edition GURPS.

You're A Natural! The first time you default a skill, if you roll a 3 or a 4, you may instantly buy the skill. You may invest any number of saved points in it at that time, or, if you lack any saved points, spend 1 point from future XP earnings. If margin of success matters, calculate it from final skill after points are spent. This represents a natural talent, previously undisclosed learning, or just an aptitude for a particular skill. If the 3 or 4 was achieved as the result of a Wish or Lesser Wish spell, or any form of the Luck advantage, this does not apply - you're just lucky, not gifted.

Optionally, this can apply on any default roll, even if it's not the first time. In this case, you must have a point in hand to spend, and the maximum point investment is one point. You've just learned as you go, but you don't know much more than a beginner at the skill would have.

I can attest to this rule being popular, a source of a lot of fun, and a really satisfying way to get rewarded for a lucky 3 or 4.

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