
Friday, January 31, 2025

Friday Roundup 1/31/2025

Busy, busy week for me, and not for gaming. Here are a few things I did like, though, and some notes.

- Here is yet another look at Appendix N from the AD&D DUNGEONMASTERS GUIDE, with more Gygax commentary on his influences.

Prependix N
- This was the Traveller set I wanted. The bookstore had Starter Traveller and Deluxe Traveller. The first was $12, the second $20. I had $12. I really wish I'd saved up another $8 before I bought the game. I spent a lot of time with supplements that assumed you had the little black books, and nothing I had pointed back to pages in Starter Traveller. I felt like I'd gotten a bit of a broken game, because I could never tell what was missing or different.

Deluxe Traveller

- Mini combat in the Pacific in WW2.

- Game is Sunday, in all likelihood. I hope the PCs can find another gear and win this fight they're in, and finish exploring the dungeon. I expect it's likely to be another split session, though.

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