
Thursday, February 20, 2025

How did I miss this? Power-Ups 10

Thanks to Blind Mapmaker for reviewing this . . . I completely missed this GURPS release.

Given that I've spent a bit of work on compressing the number of skills we use, this is right up my alley. I'll give it a look and see what might be a potential way to upgrade DF Felltower to a simpler skillset.

GURPS Power-Ups 10: Skill Trees

1 comment:

  1. I wasn't particularly impressed with skill trees. To me it doesn't affect the one primary imbalance I keep running into with GURPS, inexpensive Attributes, but f you want whole groups of singular skills to be more important than just leveling Attributes... it might do that for, maybe. It might move the "just raise this one thing to raise all things" from say IQ to "Wizard Skills Trunk" but it doesn't really 'par down the skill list", it just makes "groups of skills less expensive to buy when bought bundled together".

    However, if someone is a Wizard, or highly skilled based like Thief or Swishybockler, then it's not going to stop them from preferring to just raise main Attribute.
