
Tuesday, May 8, 2018

What monsters does my game lack?

I use a wide variety of monsters in my game. Basically, everything that fits the genre (kitchen sink dungeon fantasy without high technology) satisfies one of the following:

- I think it is cool, regardless of game system

- it has stats for GURPS

- I have a mini for it

- my players ask to fight one

We've seen a fair variety of monsters in my game so far. And I am a "more the merrier" type who reacts this way to people who suggest a few, unique monsters are the way to go, or deploy the old "Man is the real monster!" line:

Bah! [waves hands dismissively] Bah!

With that desire for "deploy them, DEPLOY THEM ALLLLLLLL!!!!!!" as a game strategy, what else do I need? I'm wondering if I'm missing things I really need to include at some point. I can personally look ahead and see what's coming, and my players made some requests back when I asked them. All of that stuff is in there . . . but there must be fan favorites I haven't used yet. Any suggestions?

Obviously, I can't comment on what goes in, or waits ahead already. But I am curious what readers eagerly await to see . . .


  1. Peshkali and Siege beasts are pretty memorable DF monsters I've enjoyed in DF games

    Wyverns, Hippogryphs, Griffins and Rocs are all fun

    Cave bears and Watchers at the End of Time have both done horrible and memorable things to me

    Centaurs are fun

    I like the Earthdawn cave crab, it's one of memorable beasties. The Cadaver men also

    Mindwarpers are another iconic DF baddy I've had fun with

    1. Peter's DF PCs would slaughter the vanilla versions of all those DF monsters.

    2. Numbers or prefixes could improve them

    3. I have used at least one of those already.

    4. Huh, I tried to criss check with the monsters encountered list

  2. Replies
    1. Pity. I keep looking for a good angle for their stats. Triffids, however, I can handle.

  3. Drow, driders, nosferatu, deep ones, byakhee, shoggoth.

    1. Drow? These guys are struggling with orcs and norkers. Well, not really. It’s really numbers and tactics, though. In a straight up fight, even with a 1:2 or 1:3 ratio, this group massacres opponents. But when it’s 1:4 or 1:5, missile fire takes its toll. Drow would be cool, though.

    2. And I have used fishmen. Deep Ones are nothing more than that in DF.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Drow are too evil for tongue in cheek DF.

    5. Drow are a little too derivative of Gygax, and Gygax was derivative of earlier fiction and legend. I think Peter wants to be derivative of the same stuff as Gygax rather than getting it filtered through Gygax.

  4. Carnivorous flying squirrels

  5. Phasing and teleporting stuff: Displacer beasts, ethereal filchers, blink dogs...

  6. "- my players ask to fight one"
    Your players are requesting specific opponents? That makes my GM skin tingle in glee. What monsters have they come right out and said "we want you to use this creature!"?

    1. I think beholders may have come up. So have a few others - mostly the big, interesting ones from other games.

  7. My favorite monster is the froghemoth. Very very cool and original monster that doesn't have cool special abilities but is tough and players who don't know it will see it wading out of deep water and think running away isn't as bad a strategy as they used to believe.

    1. It's a tough one in GURPS, though - it's fairly easy to blind. That's what happened to the first and only froghemoth I used in my much-lower-point GURPS 3e game years back. It got its eyestalk cut right off in a single blow and had to fight, desperate and blind, until it was slain.
