
Thursday, February 27, 2020

DFRPG Companion 2 Arrived (and damaged)

So, first, hurrah! I received my copy of DFRPG Companion 2.

Unfortunately, the USPS, in their infinite wisdom, chose to fold the package into a tight "U" shape to cram it into my mailbox. This cracked the spine, among other damage:

I'll get a review up later . . . although it's maddening to read a book that has a spine cracked hard enough to make flipping pages difficult. I emailed SJG; we'll see what my recourse is. A cardboard mailing box might have been more expensive but would clearly have been a better choice.


  1. Mine arrived in fine condition, but with a padded envelope rather than one of those flat cardboard mailers, I was clearly lucky.

    1. Yeah, the soft envelope didn't convince my mail carrier not to fold it. A box would have prevented it. Hopefully SJG can fix this for me.

    2. I've had some of my books damaged in boxes by over-zealous mail carriers. So it's not foolproof. For my stapled stuff I use a lay-flat cardboard mailer, for perfect bound I use boxes.

    3. Yeah, my Magic Items 2 was rolled up long ways in my mail tube... so luckily for me sitting under some heavy books for a week mostly straightened it out. But don't expect anything other than a replacement from SJG, they know this is happening and until sending out replacements routinely exceeds the cost of the box during shipping they won't go back to using a box.

  2. If you haven't already found the answer to your question, the PDF should be distributed sometime next week.

    And I'm lucky my postman has more than a thin slice of brain. Seriously, how hard would it have been to curl your book axially to the spine rather than perpendicularly?

    1. Or, you know, put it on the doorstep like he does with everything else that is bigger than normal sized?

    2. Clearly he plays D&D and fears SJG's immanent, totally any-day-now, rise to glorious first place in the RPG market. The bastard... :P

  3. Mine still has yet to come. Oddly USPS still says it should be delivered tonight, albeit two hours ago.

    Yeah, right.

  4. Mine still hasn’t shipped. And I had a similar spine-creased experience with Magic Items 2.
