
Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Errata update for GURPS Basic Set

You probably know this already, because if you own these books on PDF you'll have received an email offering up a link to the latest versions of the files.

What changed?

That's trickier. According to the forum post linked in the update email alert, there were "minor errata and tweaks throughout."

Err . . . like what? Did any numbers change? Point costs? Page references? Important verbs? Semi-important nouns?

It's annoying that I get to know something changed . . . but not what. Especially since I still, quite often, use my harcopy books for rules reference. SJG used to list the errata by item. If they're still doing so for this update, I'd like to know where. Does anyone reading this happen to know? My favorite game system isn't going to change just because I can't find it, but it's annoying that I can't put a finger on what changed in the basic books underlying the whole system.


  1. I get the feeling that whomever used to post teh errata to the site has been let go, since every time errata has come up it's a "when someone has time to post it" and it never happens. If I weren't banned from the forums I'd poke Hackard over the DFRPG errata he promised would be released a year ago...

    1. I seem to recall it being a volunteer basis for a long time, but I'm not even sure if it's that way now.

  2. According to the Errata page, as I'm sure you've seen, errata for print GURPS products hasn't been updated since, uh, 2013. A lot of it seems to be stuck in 2007.

    Well, everything seems to still work for me. I guess I'll just deal with whatever people have found to be broken and not worry about it.

    1. I'm just hoping that what changed isn't stuff I've based house rules on, or which may make subtle but significant changes in our games. And I just won't know.

  3. Looks like the forums tarted a thread on this topic
    Post 10 seems to have a lot of the answers

    1. Thank you. The poster has also done the same for Characters now.

    2. Very helpful, thanks. Here it is as a link:

      Basic Set errata

  4. Yeah, I loved that. I saw a thread that said "What changed?" and Andrew Hackard answered "There's a whole thread for that, so you go there and you see..."
    "Errata and Tweaks." Hey, thanks for that! The answer to "What changed?" was "Stuff..."
