
Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Writing Update

I'm busily not writing my next writing project.

I'm actually kind of stuck.

I know what I want to say, and how to say it, but not quite how to organize it.

So I keep noodling around, writing words I will need to delete or recycle into something else . . .

It's honestly the biggest issue I have with game writing sometimes. I have useful things to say and rules to share but not a good way to organize them in a useful, usable way. I know I can get it done, but it's a struggle sometimes getting it down productively.

Still, I have a few days to finish, and I will. I don't miss deadlines. Still . . . not sure when the dam will burst and the words will flow out into a beautiful product. Hopefully tomorrow so I have free time the rest of the week.

As a bonus, here is a circular reference coming - Grognardia talking the Adventure Log, and I threw my article on the topic in the comments.


  1. This is what happens you don't get satisfaction behind the screen. You get all backed up.

    You just need a nice, cleansing, TPK to get those juices flowing properly again...

  2. I feel your pain. At the moment, I've got a jumble of stuff but it's not getting down on paper. Or in electrons. It doesn't help that I only just turned in my editing project on Monday, so I've got a lot to work through in very little time.
