
Thursday, March 24, 2022

Dungeon Fantasy Companion 3 is out

As it says, the Dungeon Fantasy Companion is out. At least, it's been released to authors like me.

The book contains several articles I wrote for Pyramid magazine:

Quick Equipment Kits (Pyramid 3/106)

Simple Spell Components (Pyramid 3/113)

More Mythic & Magical Monsters (Pyramid 3/108)

It's packed full of articles by Sean Punch, Matt Riggsby, Christopher Rice, Steven Marsh, and David Pulver, as well. I'm in good company.


  1. Hey Peter, just wanted to say that I've just acquired a DF boxed set. I'm a fan of your blog and I'm intrigued with this system I would be otherwise unfamiliar with. I won't try it for while as I've already D&D 5E campaign going on but someday I will! I will put play reports (I may write it in French, but google translate is not too bad nowadays) on my own blog and point it to you when it will occur...

    1. That's very gratifying. Also, exciting. I hope you enjoy it, and yeah, I'll follow along with your blog as best as I can.

  2. I saw this hit Warehouse 23 last night! I thought of buying the POD on DrivethruRPG but want to be sure it has the same physical dimensions as the other Dungeon Fantasy RPG books (so it'll fit in the box!).

    1. If you don't find out before then, I'll review it when it arrives . . . and measure it for you. Just remind me if my review doesn't have size measurements in it.

  3. POD sizes on Drivethru are easy to find- just select the POD option and the size appears just above the pricing levels.

    In this case, it is 8" by 10".

  4. I would like the softcover, I think, but it's a weird purchase for me since I have all of the Pyramid issues that these are from. I was kind of hoping for new stuff. Still, it would be handy to have all of this in one nice volume. I imagine I will end up getting this, but I have to admit I looked at the Table of Contents with anticipation and then realized, "Oh, OK, still cool, but I have all this." It also appears to be nicely repackaged in a nice way, and in the DFRPG format, that is superior to the various PDF Pyramid Issues. So that's a plus.

    1. For me, it's easier than remembering where I wrote something . . . and gives me a physical, bound copy to quickly reference.
