
Friday, March 25, 2022

Random notes & links for 3/25/2022

Back to the weekly links.

- I saw this article on Warren Spector. Yes, the SJG Warren Spector. Warren Spector

- I was a big fan of John Arendt's "Black City" campaign, which mixed fantasy with ancient super-tech. Now, the Great Khan has decided to launch his own campaign based on the notes from this.

That's pretty cool. I'd be weirded out if someon else was running a "Felltower" game, though. Good God, Y'all! I'd have to consult with "Red" Raggi and Ragnarsson & Raggissons, Attornies at Law and see what my options would be. Heh.

All of that said, fair warning - if I ever run an AD&D or D&D-based campaign, there will be a mix of tech and magic. Why not in GURPS? It's actually easy in GURPS, but GURPS also pretty realistically handles the massive difference in killing power between swords and modern firearms . . . which makes for less "sword and blaster" and a lot more "blaster and more blaster." Also, muscle-powered weapons are a poor choice against robots designed to fight against guns. You can see the hoops you need to jump through in our (on hiatus) GURPS Gamma Terra game. In a D&D game, you just say AC 0, immune to edged weapons, and it does 1d12+1 damage with its laser and you're fine.


  1. "...GURPS also pretty realistically handles the massive difference in killing power between swords and modern firearms..."

    It doesn't have to. You just have to run with an eye to swords and blasters and ignore the Tech Books. GURPS does tend to make shields way more useful in Blaster and Sword Romances than other rules system do though, so that might run counter to your genre treatment.

    1. That's true, but it does mean doing a lot of work from the ground up . . . and fighting off the expectations that players have coming from other GURPS games, as well. That's more than I want to do.
