
Tuesday, August 30, 2022

If not Felltower, then what? What!

So it's probably going to be B-team Felltower that we play next.

I'm going to put together a "from the GM's side of the screen" list of things I think aren't done. I'm hoping to avoid adding a new side area, because:

- that's a fair bit of work to write and develop

- I need to tie it in to Felltower

- it will inevitably get visited, plundered, re-visited, re-plundered, and visited yet again sometime when people want to "just check" something (or avoid a harder choice.)

So it's likely to be Felltower itself.


  1. A solution to your 3rd bullet is a time limited access. The party by accident or through research or someone brings a quest to them learns of a new way into dungeons in, near, or believed to be attached to Felltower. This could be something like
    - a so-called Moon Gate that will only be open for a limited time window while the stars and planets are aligned, an alignment that may not reoccur during the period the current players inhabit
    - or through an unstable rift opened by tectonic or monster activity that you can make inaccessible again the same way whenever you get tired of the players wasting time there
    - by magical transport from an artifact that is lost or consumed during the transport (or has a limited number of uses)
    - by an NPC that has knowledge that allows magical transport but he will either disappear, die, or choose not to send the party again at his whim and the party has no leverage over a town-based NPC (just like Black Jans) to demand or force him to transport them again if he's not around or not interested
    - by one-way access in conjunction with one of the above: for example, the party is sent to a new area by a one-time artifact, find their way to a secret, one-way door that connects to part of the main megadungeon the party has been through; or an unstable fissure to an unexplored area the party was capable of discovering but hadn't chosen to explore yet, and that fissure closes behind them once they enter the main dungeon area

    1. Those are good solutions to the problem of a durable outside area, for sure. Thanks for listing them.
