
Sunday, August 28, 2022

If not Felltower, then what?

As I've repeatedly noted on the blog, we're stuck in Felltower.

So I've started thinking of what else I could do, other than Felltower.

I figure I have three broad options:

- a spinoff in the same world, using the same rules and options, for characters who can eventually get back to Felltower once we've resolved the "stuck" issue

- an unrelated GURPS game

- an unrelated non-GURPS game

None of them are ideal, and all will require some work.

AD&D module play actually needs more players, not less, so that's not an option.

At the moment, I'm waffling between all three options. The first requires yet another tie-in area, which inevitably will mean lots of side missions and "let's just go there and check things out" sessions. The second requires an entire new plan of game, and writing to support it. The third requires I pick a game system, ensure everyone knows how to play it, and then go from there.

But since we're in limbo, I may as well take a look at a way to play something that isn't. Felltower isn't done, but if it's on hold, I'll not willingly put my gaming on hold as well!


  1. How about a Felltower side area with temporary accessibility? Like, say, a gate opens 10 miles from town and the Astrologers' Guild predicts it will remain open only until the autumn equinox, so go now. Then you can play that for a while but it won't stick around to be a distraction once you get back to the megadungeon.

    1. I think it is a very good idea.

      Also, maybe it is possible to run a side quest without any specific side area? For example, new PCs can be guards for some trading caravan or diplomatic mission, moving to or from Stericksburg. It need protecton from bandits, orcs, cultists and|or political enemies. There can also be intrigues, tournaments and so on. Then caravan or mission will move away and PCs cannot re-visit it. It can be also a fun change of pace compared to dungeon-delving.

    2. A temporarily accessible area is a good idea. I tried that with the Lost City but it was secretly always tied to Felltower via a gate. One disconnected from Felltower is not a bad idea, I just need to generate it. I'm more likely to put in another small sandbox than to put in a quest and a travelling adventure. "Limited Sandbox" is the name of the game in this campaign.

  2. Do an open table of old rooms of Felltower? If there's a line, have death of a character mean you rotate to the back of the line. Then, we can get a "My character [[died somehow, like got gored by a unicorn or beheaded by an ogre]] in Felltower and all I got was this lousy graphic for my blog!" image.

    1. Wouldn't it devalue the I Died in Felltower T-shirt if it wasn't only for an exclusive group of several score delvers? :P

      Joking. It's not a bad idea, but I was mostly hoping to get my usual crew back to usual gaming. It's not a bad idea, though. I'll have to keep that in my head and see if it's something I want to do. I'm not nearly as social as my blog makes me appear.

  3. You could take a stab at Gamma World in a GURPS one-shot since you aren't getting to play. You could do a return to the Caves of Chaos: new evil has moved in and the Keep needs protecting. You already have the maps, just restock with completely different contents. It's a good chance to test out new monsters you aren't ready to put in Felltower proper. Any interest in your group for sci-fi? You could run a one shot of GURPS Traveller (or Classic Traveller to introduce your gamers to another system that is easy to pick up).
